
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Basic course for junior web developers

While working in Pyramid Consulting, I’ve had a chance to work with Mr. Truong Lap Vi. He was one of Technical Architects of Pyramid Consulting. I’ve learned a lot of things from him. Based on his original training course, I’ve added some customizations to create a newer version of the Basic course for junior web developer.
This basic course takes only 3-4 hours. The purpose of this course is:
+ Based on the Web model to explain the vision and road map of a web developer.
+ Explain what good code is.
The original structure of this course has 2 parts:
1. Web model
2. Good code
2.1. What is good code
2.2 Good function
2.3 Good class
I’ve changed its structure a little bit and add more sections:
1. Web model
2. Good code
2.1. What is good code
2.2 Good piece of code
2.3 Good function
2.4 Good class (make the definition clearer)
3. Best practices in coding

You can find the slide for this course here:
Basic course for junior web developers

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